isokinetic method
a step forward in
isokinetic training
The Isokinetic method involves maintaining a constant speed of movement while dynamically varying the applied load/tension.
With Kineo the functionality of the isokinetic training has been implemented introducing:
- Isokinetic Exercises Across Kinetic Chains: Facilitates both open and closed kinetic chain exercises.
- Differentiated Load Management: Features the ability to adjust loads differently for concentric and eccentric phases, allowing for more personalized and effective training and rehabilitation regimens.
Kineo’s advancement in isokinetic training provides a comprehensive approach that not only ensures safety but also enhances the effectiveness of rehabilitation and strength conditioning.
Isokinetic Assessment at
Varied Speeds
Kineo’s isokinetic testing for mono or bilateral assessments allows for up to 5 consecutive movements with different speeds and maximum force engagement.
This method enables a detailed graph analysis to assess the relationship between force, speed, and angle, providing deeper insights into performance and capability.
Versatile training,
One Machine
Kineo combines multiple workout functionalities into a single machine, enabling athletes to perform a variety of isokinetic exercises, including both open-chain and closed-chain movements, without the need for additional stations.
Tailored Concentric/
Eccentric Loads
with Kineo
Kineo’s Biphasic Load feature enables distinct load settings for the concentric and eccentric phases, to reduce muscular effort and enhance safety.
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